Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Okay, so, once a month is better than nothing, right? I promise that I will get the hang of blogging. It would certainly be more fun if someone besides myself were reading it, though.
So, where did I leave off? Right... I finished the book and sent it off to an agent. The one agent that I really really wanted to like it. Guess what? He did!

We went through my manuscript in detail and I went back to the drawing board to...ugh...EDIT. Honestly, it's a nasty little four letter word. Every bit as bad as those that lead to a mouthwashing of soap. The idea is to edit the manuscript down and "clean it up" so that it's polished enough to send to an editor at a publishing house.

I know...editing for the editor was confusing to me too. Kind of like cleaning the house before the cleaning lady gets there. Anyway, Mom and I went to work. (Did I mention that my mom is the driving force behind me and the very best editor I know? Seriously. Best. Mom. Ever.)

At the insistence of Bill the agent, I took my time. Three weeks later, we'd shaved ten thousand words, deleted a few scenes, beefed up the dialog and ended up with a MUCH smoother story. Bill was right on every single one of his suggestions. I guess that's why he's a sought after agent!

So...here I sit, waiting (3 weeks and counting) for Bill to re-read the manuscript and let me know if it's edited well enough to send to the editor. I should have an answer from him by Monday. I'm not sure that I've ever been quite this nervous about something, and that's coming from someone who overcame panic attacks to make a career out of being on live television.

Really. What do I do with myself? I've cleaned the house and done the laundry (totally over those two things, by the way), I've read seven books (no lie), I've even figured out Facebook and turned into quite the FB stalker, sending friend requests to anyone I can think of. I've caught up with my girlfriends, attended Spencer's lacrosse games (ok, so I sat in the car and watched because it was freezing!), and revived our long overdue "Friday Night Dance Party in the Kitchen".

I shudder to think of what might happen as I endure this last week of waiting. I'm seriously thinking about cutting my own bangs. Someone stop me?


  1. I have had the privilege of reading Affinity by Lisa Cline and I want to tell all of you Twilight fans that you are in for a treat. With Gods help this book will be published and will delight and entertain all of you.

  2. Thanks Jackie J! I'm going to see if I can post the first chapter for everyone to read.

  3. Lisa, I wish you all the best. As you know from peeping my site, I don't think god's help will be much of an asset, but it sounds like you're the kind of lady that can get stuff done without the aid of supernatural interference.

    P.S. If you make millions, I'll expect to be taken out for lunch for being so encouraging. Also, it's not REQIRED, but a little dedication in the book would be nice...

  4. Dan!! You're my first non-family person to comment! This is totally deserving of a dedication. Maybe a really cool character named Dan in the next book? :)

  5. Hi Lisa,
    I followed you on channel 4 forever and was SO sad when you were gone. I miss you, I am excited for your new book... I cannot wait. Keep going so it can be published..
